The Asheville View decided we would all celebrate Pride. Some of us spoke at the story slam, we marched in the procession, and even sold our merch at Blue Rigde Pride. Here is why I think we all should celebrate Pride.
The History Of Christmas
Pride and Christmas have a lot in common. I was shocked when I learned that Christmas has nothing to do with Christianity. Historically, evergreen plants were used to celebrate the Winter Solstice. You see, Dec 21 and 22 are the two shortest days of the year, and so the sun god is at its weakest. Back then in Pagan tradition, evergreen plants in winter served as a symbol of acknowledgment that the sun god would return to its full strength and bring summer along with it. Due to this, there was a time that Christmas activities, like dancing, singing carols, and other cheerful celebrations were banned by a mostly Puritan Parliament. New England did the same, and Christmas was also banned in Boston. Even on Plymouth celebrating Christmas was a criminal offense.
Today, many people adorn their homes with lovely Christmas trees and put wreaths on their doors seasonally for Christmas in honor of Christianity. Preachers don’t fuss over Christmas, and some churches even put up Christmas trees too. Plus, now governments go all out by not only decorating public buildings, but they also decorate parks and streets too.
Truth be told, I love it. Personally, I am not big on Christmas, nor am I big on decorations. In fact, my family and I mostly celebrate Kwanzaa. However, I do love to see other people happy. I see how the process of decorating inside and outside brings the family together and creates an energy of good tidings and giving. I also love to see the way kids and adults light up when a home is immaculately lit. It’s a vibe.
The History Of Pride
In the 1960’s, the police were constantly raiding night clubs and bars that LGBT community members frequented in New York. In 1969, the police raided a mafia owned establishment by the name of The Stonewall Inn. According to historian David Carter, the riots started with street kids who saw the Stonewall as their only safe place. They refused to continue to take the mistreatment and started fighting back. Police were hit in the head with bottles, and members of the LGBTQ community were sprayed with tear gas and arrested. These riots are considered to be the most important events leading to the modern fight for LGBT rights in the United States. A win against any injustice is a win for all justice, and so we should all be celebrating PRIDE. Like Christmas, Pride is a vibe
Pride Is About More Than Sexuality
Yet, Fifty years later, Trans men and women are being murdered at an alarming rate for just being themselves, and other LGBTQIA folks are fighting to just be seen and/or respected. I believe we need to celebrate our friends, neighbors, siblings, children and spouses in order to make our community whole again. Until everyone is liberated from unfair societal pressures about how to look and who to love, none of us are free to be ourselves. Pride isn’t just about sexuality, it is about freedom. Pride is about celebrating those of us who are free to dress, feel, look, love, and be whoever we want to be… It’s time to celebrate our individuality and differences.
Pride is Vital to a Thriving Community
We celebrate for a lot less in America. For example, Cinco De Mayo was started in California as a celebration of an early victory of one battle during the French and Mexican war. The war had nothing to do with independence as a lot of people assume. It was over money. The Mexican government suspended paying its foreign debt for 2 years because they were broke. Great Britain, Spain and France weren’t having that, and so they went to war. Although Mexico won the battle, they lost the war. Cinco De Mayo isn’t even celebrated all over Mexico. So why do so many people flock to nightclubs to “turn up” to celebrate a battle that led to the financial crippling of Mexico? We could be celebrating Constitution Day or Revolution Day, public holidays that align with us and truly celebrate the history of Mexico… weird huh?
I think it is important to create solidarity among the human race, and to give equity to everyone contributing to our communities. When we celebrate Pride we are celebrating all races and genders. We are celebrating our differences, and we should be doing that.
About The Author
Aisha Adams, Host & Executive Producer
Host & Producer, Aisha Adams, is an influencer with a heart for economic development and community building. Learn more about Aisha at
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