No matter how you analyze it, the pay gap is real, persistent, and harmful to an individual’s economic security.

The gender pay gap is the result of many factors, including occupational segregation, bias against working mothers and direct pay discrimination. Additionally, such things as racial bias, disability, access to education, and age come into play. Consequently, different groups of women experience very different gaps in pay. Overall, a woman’s median earnings are 80% of a man’s median earnings.

Different Profession. Different Race. Different Pay Gap.

This varies in different professions. In the legal profession, the average woman makes 61.4 percent of what a male makes. First, while there are more women working in legal professions than men (at 68 percent), men dominate the higher-paying and higher-ranking legal jobs. In addition, this statistic includes legal support workers, such as paralegals and secretaries, which would give the statistics a certain skew because these lower-status jobs are more likely to be filled by women.

In a report released by Sky Analytics, a legal invoicing company, it was confirmed that women at law firms can work more hours and have more years of experience, but they are still earning less money than their male counterparts. This is in large part because they are billed at often significantly lower rates than men.

Not only is there a pay gap between women of color and men of color, but there is also a pay gap between women of color and white women. This means that statistically, women of color earn the lowest wages of anyone in the workforce. ​

Person x Penis = Paid

According to Medscape’s 2019 report, which polled about 20,000 U.S. doctors in 30 specialties, pay for physicians has risen by about 20% for both primary care physicians and specialists since 2015. However, male primary care physicians’ income is 25% more than female physicians for the same education, training, and work hours. The inequality exists even after adjusting for “how hard the physicians worked, productivity, and level of experience.”

It seems the only variable is that a man has a penis. I really don’t understand how having a penis can increase your pay scale and provide an economic benefit.

Racial Disparities

The pay gap is real, and it cuts along more lines than gender. As the U.S. Department of Labor reports, black women earn 17 percent less than their white female counterparts and they bring in just 63 cents for every $1 a man makes. Over time, gender pay disparities have improved, but racial disparities have gotten worse. International tennis star Serena Williams has addressed the pay gap, writing in Fortune, “Changing the status quo will take dedicated action, legislation, employer recognition, and courage for employees to demand more.”

Equity for Everyone

Employers, companies and the government need to be accountable and provide transparency to close the pay gap. Equity For Everyone. We, as individuals and employees, also need to be active in changing this pay gap. Our voices need to be heard.

In addition to the increased pay, there are other workplace advantages penises have as compared to women.

  • They don’t need to get transportation to the job.
  • They don’t have dress codes.
  • They have extra time in the morning by not having to apply make-up and style their hair.
  • They don’t have 2 jobs: one at work and one at home.
  • They don’t need to take time off for maternity leave.
About The Author

About The Author

Dr. Sharon Norling

Dr. Sharon Norling is a nationally known and highly respected medical doctor specializing in integrative medicine and practicing advanced functional medicine.

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