Tina talks to AARP Representative Rebecca Chaplim & Anne Miller Woodford about a special Black History Month event featuring the historian, artist and author: Ann Woodford. This presentation will include the ways that Woodford has highlighted the voices of people that have often been overlooked using her art and writing to share the history and heritage of African Americans who have lived in far Western North Carolina communities.
Join us for a special Black History Month event featuring the historian, artist and author: Ann Woodford. This presentation will include the ways that Woodford has highlighted the voices of people that have often been overlooked using her art and writing to share the history and heritage of African Americans who have lived in far Western North Carolina communities.
Actively Aging through Activism and Art: Ann Woodford
Thursday, February 25th, 12- 1PM
Upcoming Events
When All God’s Children Get Together: Fostering Racial Justice Book Club with Ann Woodford (Thursdays, March 11th – April 25th)
Thursdays, March 11th, 25th, April 8th and April 15th, 1:00 – 2:00 PM
Guided by the Book, When All God’s Children Get Together: A Celebration of the Music and Lives of the African American People in Far Western North Carolina*, participants will discuss the topics listed below in discussion groups with facilitators and the author. Learn more about Ann Woodford at her website: https://annstree.com/
March 11th – General Overview – How African American people in this region compare to nationwide: race relations and racial disparities.
March 25th – History of Ethnic Cleansing in Georgia and how it led to African American people coming to WNC (includes other national cleansings,the Green Book, and a coup in Wilmington, NC).
April 8th – What is white privilege and how it can make a difference; Using your power to make a difference.
April 15th – Steps that can be taken to smooth race relations locally and beyond.
Participants can find the book at the library, various local and national sellers and on the author’s website. Participants can find the book at various local and national sellers and on the author’s website. The book is recommended not required to participate.